“Galloping Gertie” – the bridge with a wind problem

In 1940, Washington state, USA, witnessed a
marvel of modern engineering. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge, a majestic suspension
bridge, which promised a brighter future officially opened, connecting Tacoma
to the nearby Kitsap Peninsula. But this bridge had a secret, a weakness hidden
in its very design, a problem that would soon turn it into a modern-day

At the time of its construction, the bridge’s
design was considered to be sleek and modern. Unlike more traditional bridges
with their web of trusses, the Tacoma Narrows structure featured a smooth,
streamlined deck. However, this innovation, aimed at reducing wind resistance,
had a nightmarish side effect. As the wind blew, the bridge didn’t just bend –
it swayed. In fact, it swayed so wildly, it earned the nickname “Galloping
Gertie” from the construction workers who braved the building process. Read about it by following the link:
